Eric D. Schabell: IRIS Publication Management System v1.0.0 released!

Monday, April 10, 2006

IRIS Publication Management System v1.0.0 released!

After waiting two weeks for any more bug reports from our users I am happy to say that I released v1.0.0 which holds all the functionality listed in the initail requirements document published as a technical report (see my publications listing on this site).

Right after release, two bugs were of course reported so I fixed those (trivial) and released v1.0.1 with the fixes.

Nice feeling to move on to stable release with a new round of functionality being planned over the next 6 months. I have been turned away from this project to new horizons, so my time will be much more limited. I would like to spend some time refactoring some of the submission code as it became more efficient in the later edit function. I picked up a few tricks along the way and polished up the api even more, so going back to look at the technical report and external publication submission code would be a usefull step. Those are my plans anyway, time will tell if I get to them.

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