Eric D. Schabell: New information regarding PFC Henry L. Hooper

Saturday, April 1, 2006

New information regarding PFC Henry L. Hooper

After my trip back thru the states I contacted a family friend who is very into genealogy and very good at it. She did some digging on the first night she got the basic information listed on this site (see PFC Henry L. Hooper). She called me back and stated that she already found where he was born, where he enlisted and could most likely dig up his actual enlistment records if they had not been destroyed in some fire back in Atlanta!

Today I received a letter from my contact containing two pages showing PFC Henry L. Hooper's World War II Army Enlistment Record! I have added this data to the above link. Maybe this will lead to where he died and how.

More as it is uncovered.

PS. This is not an April Fools Day joke either... ;-)

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