Eric D. Schabell: A nice ride today from s-Hertogenbosch to Oss and back…

Sunday, April 23, 2006

A nice ride today from s-Hertogenbosch to Oss and back…

Today I hit the road with a friend that has moved here in the neighborhood and wants to get back into cycling (is a big mountain bike fan). We did an easy run up to Oss and back due to the very new bike path laid out there this year. Smoother than a baby’s butt! As my friend had not ridden in awhile it was nice to have some route without the brick roads to bruise your butt.

We only did a 25 km/hr avg. speed, but was very nice to have someone to chat with on the way. I will be taking the bike to work this week so that will be a real long ride, something like 110km’s. I will let you know how it goes.

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