Eric D. Schabell: Ubuntu screen backspace problem fix

Monday, May 7, 2007

Ubuntu screen backspace problem fix

Are you trying to use screen for some application and you have strange backspace behaviour? Mine was doing nothing when I hit the backspace except give me the famous Wuff --- Wuff ! To fix this you need to add something to either your /etc/bash.bashrc (global fix) or ~/.bashrc (local fix) like this:

alias screen='TERM=screen screen'


  1. Thank you so much! That was bugging the heck out of me.

  2. Thanks, fix worked on Ubuntu 7.10. Too bad it is still there.

  3. Luckily I have never seen this problem return after an update, the fix propagates fine through updates.

  4. This didn't work for me on Ubuntu 8.04 Server LTS connecting from Mac OS X 10.5.5. Even tried to 'source /etc/profile' and/or 'source /etc/bash.bashrc'. Nothing I've tried has fixed this problem. Any other suggestions?

  5. JRippy,

    You might want to try your ~/.bash_profile (or create one) as you are remotely logging in so ~/.bashrc is not being sourced.

    Hope this helps?


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