Eric D. Schabell: 2008 in review

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 in review

This was a really good year for me, busy with lots of new things as this was my first year back on the commercial side of software development. In the personal sphere I moved into a new house, put in a new backyard, new front yard, and cycled quite a bit with stints in the Limburg hills, Veluwe hills, and Ardennes. I just finished this year up by upgrading my bike and putting my old on online for sale.

The most blogging traumatic experience of 2008 was the loss of my domain. I documented the experience, but would not recommend this to anyone. It took awhile but my blog slowly climbed back from obscurity.

This year I was involved with several projects:
I also visited conferences, did some writing, did a few teaching gigs, and was speaking publicly again:
I have already started to fill up my calendar for 2009 with a few submissions to speak at conferences, one writing gig, and hope to continue with both jBPM and Computable contributions.

Being healthy and happy, I wish you and yours all the best for 2009!

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