Eric D. Schabell: jBPM 4 beta 2 on JBoss 5.0.0.GA screenshots

Thursday, May 14, 2009

jBPM 4 beta 2 on JBoss 5.0.0.GA screenshots

Another beta release cycle for jBPM v4 and I wanted to see what has been updated in the gwt-console so off we go again to take another look since the beta 1 release.

This time I chose the default JBoss 5.0.0.GA instead of the latest GA just to avoid having to change the provided ant script defaults:

jboss.version : Default value is 5.0.0.GA. Alternative value is 5.0.1.GA

The environment is as follows by default (starting from where ever you decide to unpack the jbpm v4 beta 2 zip file:

[echo] database.................... hsqldb
[echo] jbpm.home................... ../../jbpm-4.0.0.Beta2
[echo] jboss.version............... 5.0.0.GA
[echo] jboss.filename..............
[echo] jboss.distro.path........... ../../jbpm-4.0.0.Beta2/downloads/
[echo] jboss.home.................. ../../jbpm-4.0.0.Beta2/jboss-5.0.0.GA
[echo] jboss.server.configuration.. default
[echo] jboss.server.config.dir..... ../../jbpm-4.0.0.Beta2/jboss-5.0.0.GA/server/default

Getting started I wanted to examine the ant possibilities.

$ ant -p

Main targets:

delete.jboss.installation  deletes jboss installation
demo.setup                 installs jboss, installs jbpm into jboss, starts
                           jboss, creates the jBPM DB schema, deploys examples,
                           loads example identities, installs and starts eclipse
demo.teardown              drops the jbpm db schema and stops jboss
get.jboss                  downloads jboss into ${jboss.distro.dir}
install.jboss              unzips jboss, downloads jboss to ${jboss.distro.dir} if its not available
install.jbpm.into.jboss    installs jbpm into jboss
reinstall.jboss            deletes the previous jboss installation and re-installs jboss
start.jboss                starts jboss and waits till jboss is booted, then lets jboss
                           run in the bg
stop.jboss                 signals jboss to stop, but doesn't wait till its finished

# As I don't want to download and/or install another eclipse, I will avoid the demo.setup.
# The nice part is that this is all installed relative to your jbpm path by default, giving
# you a self contained playground. See the jboss/build.xml for exact details.
$ ant get.jboss

$ ant install.jboss

$ ant install.jbpm.into.jboss

At this point I jumped over to my eclipse to setup the jBoss server and started it there. Now it is time to add the provided GPDL designer, jBPM user library, adding jPDL schema to XML catalog, imported examples into eclipse, and finally added ant deployment capabilities. Just follow the provided documentation that starts in the jbpm 4 beta 2 root directory, a file called readme.html.

Some of the examples were missing libraries (some JBoss esb stuff), but you can take a look at the screenshots to get an idea of what this all looks like.

Please note that process deployment is done with an Ant build script, as provided in the examples. You will not find this in the current gwt-console as you used to see in the jBPM v3.x consoles. Just follow the user documentation as provided!  


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