Eric D. Schabell: Red Hat Cloud Tour 2012 in London - a birds eye view from the Clouds

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Red Hat Cloud Tour 2012 in London - a birds eye view from the Clouds

View of London from the Clouds
I was on site at the Red Hat Cloud Tour in London at the Millbank Tower location. Wow, what a view you get from the 29th floor above the centre of London! I have put some impression pictures in the link behind the photo, it was great weather and around 160 attendees making it a good day for all to catch up on Red Hat's thoughts and ideas around implementing your Cloud strategies.

I gave a session on JBoss in your Cloud infrastructure, slides posted below. This also dived into the topics around JBoss EAP6 and OpenShift, with some t-shirts being passed out among the attendees.

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