Eric D. Schabell: The future of JBoss SOA Platform, Switchyard training

Friday, April 12, 2013

The future of JBoss SOA Platform, Switchyard training

Last week I was in the area for the Gartner BPM Summit 2013 so I thought I would drop in on Keith Babo and the SwitchYard training being held in Washington, DC.

Keith is a rock star at leading the SwitchYard efforts, but he is now a confirmed educator. He put together a very hands on and incredibly informative two days of workshop style training on his project. This project will become the backbone of the upcoming JBoss SOA Platform v6 so it was fantastic to get hands on with the experts.

Below a short impression, but I would suggest you get your hands on this technology as soon as you can, it is really amazing stuff!

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