Eric D. Schabell: Red Hat JBoss BRMS & BPM Suite Demo Projects Updated for 6.0.1.GA Product

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Red Hat JBoss BRMS & BPM Suite Demo Projects Updated for 6.0.1.GA Product

JBoss BRMS & BPM Suite demo projects

Last week when the latest JBoss BRMS & JBoss BPM Suite products released version 6.0.1.GA we highlighted the new maven repository artifacts and how you can make use of them.

We did not sit still and have updated all the various JBoss BRMS and JBoss BPM Suite demo projects that you are so fond of using.

Each project demo contains a main readme file that points you to more documentation and previously published articles on that specific demo.

This list contains everything that is available on the newest version, but feel free to browse the tags for older versions of the products that were previously made available:
Enjoy the demos and let us know if you need or are missing anything. Bugs or feature requests can be pushed into the issues within each project.

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