Eric D. Schabell: Red Hat JBoss BRMS - Test Driving at Toronto Partner Workshop

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Red Hat JBoss BRMS - Test Driving at Toronto Partner Workshop

Arichtech Dev Day
I was in Toronto, Canada last week for a short stop at the Toronto JUG and for a partner workshop around JBoss BRMS.

Crowing into the room
The partner Architech is filled with smart guys and gals ready to help you with your business rules and events. I was asked to drop in on their Developer Day and give them a walk through the newest features of our JBoss BRMS 6 series.

I provided this all via an OpenShift hosted online workshop.

It was all based on the material I have been slowly leaching out to you via this site, starting with the introduction and first labs you will soon be building your very own online applications that leverage business rules and events.

JBoss BRMS 6 installed
You too can follow along at a weekly pace of one new article that presents a new step in the process leveraging a new component in the JBoss BRMS product.

As you can see we had it up and running in no time, with even a few non-developer types sneaking into the workshop.

Thanks to all the guys and gals that made the day fun and for test driving this new workshop format.

See you at Summit / DevNation!

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