Eric D. Schabell: A Night of Hands On Rules, Events and BPM with the Peru JUG

Thursday, September 4, 2014

A Night of Hands On Rules, Events and BPM with the Peru JUG

Yesterday evening in Peru timezone and middle of the wee hours of the morning for me here in Europe, we held a BPM workshop online for the Peru JUG.

The group set up a hangout and we talked rules, events and BPM tooling for around two hours. I took them through the following topics over the course of the event:

It was fun to interact with this group as they were full of questions around the strengths of the open source rules, events and BPM products. You can watch the recording if you missed it here:

This is the second continent where we have toured with our online BPM workshop series, next week we take it on the road on the east coast of North America.

If you would like to have this workshop series stop in at your local event, just let me know as I am happy to bring rules, events and BPM to your area.

Hope to see you soon!

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