Eric D. Schabell: Red Hat Intelligent Integration Day in London captures the imagination

Friday, January 30, 2015

Red Hat Intelligent Integration Day in London captures the imagination

Red Hat Intelligent Integration Day
As mentioned previously, I was in London yesterday speaking at the Red Hat Middleware Intelligent Integration Day after which I joined the Architecture Meetup for a few drinks and stories.

This was a select group of customers and partners that came together to dive into topics like JBoss Fuse as an integration solution for the enterprise, data integration with JBoss Data Virtualization, JBoss Fuse on xPaaS and finally mastering bpmPaaS with JBoss BPM Suite in the Cloud.

Before my talk some of the more integration related topics were covered with a rather good introduction to JBoss Fuse on xPaaS, better know as iPaaS.

My talk was well received and spent most of my time on hands on demos around bpmPaaS and various projects found on JBoss Demo Central:

Starting on slide four I talk about the various "aaS's", which I might have mentioned meaning of course "As A Services", but one attendee was sharp enough to see the humor in this statement.

Very welcome at this event!

Kind of have to laugh at yourself when this happens... well done Mr. Smale!

After the sessions completed this event rolled over into the Architecture Meetup with drinks and lively discussions on JBoss in Healthcare, Insurance and a few other verticals that caught their imaginations after seeing rules, events, planning and processes in the Cloud.

Stay tuned for the session recordings that will be published with video and screen captures of the demos shown at this event.

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