Eric D. Schabell: Getting Very Retail with New JBoss BRMS Cool Store

Monday, June 15, 2015

Getting Very Retail with New JBoss BRMS Cool Store

Cool Store leverages KieScanner for rule updates
It is time for another update to the awesome JBoss Business Rules Management System (BRMS) Cool Store Demo, this time brought to you with the latest patches for JBoss BRMS 6.1.1 product.

This latest patch contains fixes to features we specifically showcased in this demo project.

We now have the Cool Store web application that relies on the JBoss BRMS business central based project for its rules, events, model, and a rule-flow.

The example web application is based on the popular framework Vaadin which is an example of an online shopping cart. This web application demonstrates interaction between a web front end and a decision table and rules package.

JBoss BRMS Cool Store decision table
It leverages the KieScanner feature that allows the business logic to become externalized from your deployed application and can then be modified as needed at runtime. This application leverages the rules to calculate the shipping costs based on your rules in the table below.

It is pretty simple really, you can adjust how much the ranges are and what the shipping for the shopping cart total order will be by tweaking this table, for example:
  • the price from Tier 1 based on value totaling between $0 - $25 is $2.99
  • you can fill your cart with order under $25 of materials to validate
  • edit decision table and adjust it to $12.99 for Tier 1 shipping
  • save changes
  • build & deploy your cool store project
  • re-order the same materials and validate the charge to Tier 1 shipping is now $12.99
I have released version 2.9 based on JBoss BRMS 6.0.0.GA which will get you started in a very short amount of time. See the provided documentation and Readme file in the project.

Looking to Automate your business?
The project is in the same template you are used to getting from JBoss Technology Evangelists, providing you with the 3-step setup you expect from us:
  1. download & unzip 
  2. download from Customer Portal:
  3. run projects init script for automated setup
We will be updating the videos for this demo project, so stay tuned and hope you enjoy this project!