Eric D. Schabell: Ultimate Guide to Retail in the Cloud with JBoss Cool Store

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Ultimate Guide to Retail in the Cloud with JBoss Cool Store

ultimate guide
App Dev Cloud with JBoss Cool Store
We have been discussing why application developers can't ignore their stack anymore in the App Dev Cloud Stack series.

We talked about the various layers from the bottom up, but have yet to provide you with any application development tooling beyond the Red Hat Container Development Kit (CDK). All you have so far is an easy to install project called the Container Development Kit Install Demo.

We then provided two getting started projects with JBoss BRMS and JBoss BPM Suite products running on the Red Hat CDK. These were just initial setups of the products and the projects you can create there are left up to you to develop.

Today we bring you a full retail example with the JBoss Cool Store running on the OpenShift Enterprise layer of your stack, provided by our Red Hat CDK installation.

You can now fully demo and leverage a retail example based on JBoss BRMS through the business central web console running containerized on an OSE pod.
ultimate guide
Watching the JBoss Cool Store build.

Retail in the Cloud

We will be leveraging previous work that installs the Red Hat CDK. The Red Hat CDK is packaged into a RHEL 7 virtual machine that you can start on your machine after installing this project. There are several choices provided with pre-configured installations, but they all include the basic setup for Docker and the tools needed to start leveraging Docker based containers.

The following container must be started after installing this project for you to get started with the JBoss Cool Store retail application:
    ultimate guide
    The retail JBoss Cool Store in the Cloud!
  • OpenShift Enterprise - a containerized version of OpenShift Enterprise can be started that can be accesses through a Web console in your browser or via the OpenShift command line tools. Explore your very own private PaaS developer experience with this container.
Now that the you have the OpenShift Enterprise image up and running, you can start moving the JBoss Cool Store application into the Cloud with the following steps:
  1. First complete the installation and start the OpenShift image supplied in the cdk-install-demo.
  2. Install OpenShift Client Tools if you have not done so previously.
  3. ultimate guide
    Cloudy JBoss Cool Store project.
    Download and unzip this demo.
  4. Add products to installs directory.
  5. Run '' or 'init.bat' file. 'init.bat' must be run with Administrative privileges.
  6. Login to Cool Store to start exploring a retail web shopping project:
Now you are up and running with a fully installed, Cloud ready JBoss Cool Store . If you want to learn how to build the Cool Store from the ground up, check out this online workshop:

For more information around containers, a Cloud stack and why you need to care about this containerized stack for your application development, see the App Dev Cloud Stack series that takes you on a tour of the Red Hat Cloud Suite.

Stay tuned for more!

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