Eric D. Schabell: Fine weather to finally replace that gravel path!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Fine weather to finally replace that gravel path!

I have been wanting to replace our white gravel path in the backyard with a brick path. The back of our garden is connected to our patio via this path and since Isabel discovered the stones they have been going all over the backyard. We even find them in her pockets, under chairs and in the car!

Enough is enough, I started by digging out the gravel and removing the existing deteriorated anti-weed blanket that was under the path. I evened it all out, laid down new anti-weed tarp and leveled off that with some left over beach sand from the sandbox.

I started with about 50 stones I had left over in the shed and collected what I could find here in the local hardware / garden shops (about 70 more stones). This only got me a bit less than half way done as you can see. I have ordered another 170 stones (they are 10×10x6cm) which will take a week to get here. Very amazed that they are not just available as they are the most common stone used in local backyards here.

New stone path in backyard

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