Eric D. Schabell: A trip in the rain to Nijmegen today

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

A trip in the rain to Nijmegen today

I biked to work today in the rain… that was an experience! The weather was supposed to rain early and then let up later in the morning so I just expected to dry out after the first hour before I got to work. No go, though it did stop raining after about 30km. Just to make sure I didn’t get to work dry, it decided to hose me down as I entered Nijmegen… damn, it is not nice when your shorts are soaked! ;-)

The clothes were laid out over the radiators at work (by the elevators at the end of the hall as they are the only ones working in our building) to dry. I headed home at 1600 hrs and it was nice and dry. The wind was blowing out of the west which is my direction home, I was exhausted by the time I got to s-Hertogenbosh. Most of the way I was only able to keep a speed of 21-24 km/hr, so it took me over 2 and 1/2 hours to get home.

This is again 109.39 km and I feel this one in my legs big time!

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