Eric D. Schabell: EMEA Partner Summit 2011 - jBPM5: Bringing More Power to BPM

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

EMEA Partner Summit 2011 - jBPM5: Bringing More Power to BPM

Today in Dublin I gave the session on jBPM which was to focus on bringing as much information over to the partner ecosystem (developers and architects mostly) as was possible in 40 minutes. I had a real hard time brining the content down to allow time for demo, so choose not to demo in the session but to invite anyone interested to meet me afterwards. I was able to sneak a bit of the jBPM Migration story at the end of the session which raised some interest.

We ended up with around 40 people in the room, very interested and I ended up talking for an hour after the session with two different interested parties (questions and more). All in all a success I think.

Tomorrow I have a second session on SOA designing with JBoss tooling, which will include some more demo work with jBPM, both v3 and v5. So if you are in Dublin, be sure to drop!

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