Eric D. Schabell: Released jBPM Migration Tooling v0.11

Friday, January 6, 2012

Released jBPM Migration Tooling v0.11

Right behing release the previous release we have pushed out jBPM Migration Tooling v0.11.

Wow, you must be thinking this team is working really hard and must not be getting any sleep at all! Nothing could be further from the truth. We are just getting integrated into the JBoss family way of working with regards to releasing a project into the wild.

We were missing some necessary components that need to be generated by our Maven configuration so that we were allowed through the JBoss Nexus process. When jbpmmigration-0.10 failed to meet the Nexus standards, we are forced to restart the process and therefore you now can be the proud owners of jbpmmigration-0.11! ;-)

The change log can be found on the project wiki, but for posterity it is provided here:
  • update the project POM file to generate a sources jar, needed to deploy into JBoss Nexus.
The OpenShift jBPM Migration WebApp has been updated to run with the current release,


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