Eric D. Schabell: Released jBPM Migration Tooling v0.10

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Released jBPM Migration Tooling v0.10

A new year and a new version is appropriate, don't you think? :-)

The jBPM Migration Tooling project is happy to release v0.10 into the wild, you can get it from github and soon in the JBoss Nexus repository.

The change log can be found on the project wiki, but for posterity it is provided here:
  • issue 41 resolved, unique ids for context variables.
  • issue 42 resolved, added ability to select xsd to use for conversion, default is jpdl 3.2.
  • issue 43 resolved, adjusted stylesheet usage in migration class.
  • issue 44 resolved, added JbpmMigration test class.
  • issue 46 & 47 resolved, cleaned up api for JpdlValidation and BpmnValidation classes.
  • issue 48 resolved, test output is now sorted in the directories related to the called tests, provides overview of all migration test output after a testing run, was over writing previously.
  • issue 51 resolved, pom adjusted to provide an optional cli jar (more dependencies included in resulting jar).
  • issue 52 resolved, fixed gateway nodes to provide gatewayDirection attributed needed by some editors to correctly display.
  • maven pom adjustments for JBoss jBPM team jenkens setup.
The OpenShift jBPM Migration WebApp has been updated to run with the current release,


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