Eric D. Schabell: A tour of OpenShift - Rise Above the Cloud Hype

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A tour of OpenShift - Rise Above the Cloud Hype

Early in 2012 I put together an article that was to be published in a Dutch Java magazine in Feb 2012 but the magazine company when bankrupt before that could happen. That left me with no choice but to push it out via my blog at the end of Jan 2012 (it is now a bit out dated as the OpenShift crew moves fast with their releases).

In the time since I posted this, I was approached by the nice people over at who wanted to use this in their Cloud issue of the Java Tech Journal. I submitted it and you can find it in the April 2012 issue titled Above the Cloud Hype.

The same line was taken as in the initial article, but it was cleaned up and brings you up to speed on the latest OpenShift Origin project at the time of writing. You can find it on pages 19-22.

You need to provide an email address and you will then be sent the download link for the PDF.

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