Eric D. Schabell: ApacheCon NA 2013 - Can Apache Power Your Intelligent, Integrated Enterprise?

Monday, November 12, 2012

ApacheCon NA 2013 - Can Apache Power Your Intelligent, Integrated Enterprise?

I have submitted a talk to the upcoming ApacheCon NA 2013, located in Portland, Oregon. It runs from Feb 26 - 28, 2013 but also includes events and workshops leading up to the actual conference dates.

Since JBoss Integration & BPM products have been expanding with the acquisition of FuseSource, I wanted to expand the awareness of our Intelligent, Integrated Enterprise story to include the coming integration of Apache projects.

Can Apache Power Your Intelligent, Integrated Enterprise?
Enterprises are dealing with exploding levels of business events and associated data. So how do you stay competitive and meet customer expectations in the midst of this growth? By leveraging the Apache ecosystem to connect your IT infrastructure to respond to changing market conditions in real time. By increasing agility with Apache, you will engage your markets and win customer mind share.

Apache leveraged for an integrated, flexible, adaptable IT infrastructure
The intelligent, integrated enterprise relies on:
  • Service-oriented architecture (SOA) and data services to connect siloed information.
  • A business rules management system (BRMS) to automate processes, control decision-making, and eliminate manual touch points. 
  • Advanced messaging integration to extend its reach to mobile and field devices.
  • Leveraging cloud infrastructure to adapt to changing resource needs.
The result? Less risk, better leverage of existing data assets, and happier customers.  

This session will show you how you can achieve this vision with Apache projects and how these are supported in the JBoss Enterprise Middleware integration products. You will learn what an intelligent, integrated enterprise is, how to leverage open Apache projects to build yours, understand the value derived and be given a tour of example real life scenarios that implement an an intelligent, integrated enterprise.

Hope to see you there!

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