Eric D. Schabell: Red Hat Developer Day London 2012 - Advanced Java & JBoss in the Cloud summary

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Red Hat Developer Day London 2012 - Advanced Java & JBoss in the Cloud summary

It was a fun day in London at the Red Hat Developers Day 2012 where I met up with others talking all things JBoss and OpenShift in some form or another. I arrived a bit later in the afternoon due to my travel schedule, but just in time to chat with Pete Muir before he went on stage for his talk.

He covered a large portion of the JBoss Way and highlighted OpenShift usage from his beloved ForgeTools integration with JBoss Developers Studio.

After his talk I went on with an overview of the OpenShift Primer story I like to tell. Then I dove deeper into the various JBoss projects and products that we have running right now in OpenShift. It was both a talk and a demo so I ended the session with web based, CLI and a bit of IDE magic around creation, deploying, setup and destruction of the various JBoss projects that you can find online in my Github repositories.

I also took time to highlight my upcoming book release on OpenShift, see cover posted here. It will be an e-book appearing soon to outlets near and far via

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