Eric D. Schabell: Red Hat Forum Finland 2016 Recap

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Red Hat Forum Finland 2016 Recap

The series of events called Red Hat Forum's that were run across most of Europe are finishing up.

As mentioned previously, I was given the privilege of opening the Red Hat Forum in Finland with the keynote session.

It was an incredible day filled with customers, partners, Red Hat technology, sessions, evangelists and more. I spoke with many customers during the day and into the evening at a hosted dinner.
Huge turn out for the Red Hat Forum keynote.

The Red Hat story is resonating, it makes sense to many different industries and many different domains are working towards making their organizations able to deal with digital transformation. As I mentioned in my session, it does not matter if you are a car manufacturer, a financial institution or an organization that cuts hair, everyone is becoming a software company that innovates to get ahead.

The sessions below were all well attended, feel free to reach out if you are interested in contacting any of the speakers about their content:

Finally, my session slides from the opening.

The feedback was fantastic and most seemed to enjoy the various breakout sessions. Here are some of the reactions I received:

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