Eric D. Schabell: OpenStack Summit Barcelona 2016 - Session bumped to brown bag talk

Monday, October 17, 2016

OpenStack Summit Barcelona 2016 - Session bumped to brown bag talk

As previously posted, I will be in Barcelona in October to attend the OpenStack Summit.

Planning for this event always involves for me submitting something fun to share with the OpenStack community, so this year I pushed a story about planning and installing your OpenStack Cloud using some pretty neat tools available around the Red Hat Cloud Suite.

The session was not selected, but it did get room for a video recorded brown bag talk, so I will be telling this story on Wednesday, 26 Oct 2016 from 16:00 - 16:15:

Open the Stack: How to easily plan and install your OpenStack deployment

Is planning and installing your next OpenStack deployment giving you a big headache? Are you losing sleep worrying about the compatibility of the components? We can help.

With the Cloud Deployment Planner by Red Hat, you can plan your deployments and ensure the compatibility of the open source components you’re using. And after ensuring that your OpenStack deployment components are valid, you can leverage the Quickstart Cloud Installer to experience an easy-to-use and fully repeatable OpenStack installation.

Join this session for an hour of power as you learn what the Cloud Deployment Planner and Quickstart Cloud Installer can do for your peace of mind.

Look for the hashtag #vBrownBag for more around the social networks during OpenStack Summit.

See you there!

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