Eric D. Schabell: OpenStack Summit Barcelona - Open the Stack virtual brown bag (slides)

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

OpenStack Summit Barcelona - Open the Stack virtual brown bag (slides)

As previously posted, I presented a session at the OpenStack Summit in Barcelona.

The session was a recorded brown bag talk, told on on Wednesday, 26 Oct 2016 at 16:00 - 16:15.

At the time I am presenting any session I try to have the slides posted online so that attendees can obtain them right after I finish.

Below you find the link to the talk with my slides and the published video recording of the session.

The talk was a very short time slot with no chance for Q&A, so I included links to the materials I covered at the end and links to videos instead of live demos. There's just not enough time to demo both a Cloud Deployment Planner and a QuickStart Cloud Installer in 10 minutes or less.

Open the Stack: How to easily plan and install your OpenStack deployment

Look for the hashtag #vBrownBag for more around the social networks during OpenStack Summit in Barcelona.

Feel free to reach out if you have any comments or find me on social channels @ericschabell

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