Eric D. Schabell: Catch the Open the Stack virtual brown bag session online (video)

Monday, November 7, 2016

Catch the Open the Stack virtual brown bag session online (video)

catch the open the stack
At the end of October I was in Barcelona for the OpenStack Summit.

This was a week long event on all things OpenStack, where I previously mentioned that I gave a talk on the Red Hat Cloud Suite tooling. I covered the Cloud Deployment Planner and QuickStart Cloud Installer in a very short (<10 mins) but recorded side session.

I posted the slides to the session and have embedded the recording that was posted to YouTube there. I also wanted to provide you a direct link to the video, so here you go.

If you have interest in the demos that I was unable to present due to the time constraints, please check out the links in the slides at the end. 

Feedback welcome, either in comments or reach out to me directly.

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