Eric D. Schabell: Codemotion Rome 2017 - AppDev in the Cloud, with monkeys

Monday, December 19, 2016

Codemotion Rome 2017 - AppDev in the Cloud, with monkeys

codemotion rome 2017As previously mentioned, I am a fan of the Codemotion conferences and have been lucky enough to speak at several around Europe.

I submitted a few talks to Codemotion Rome from 24-25 March 2017 and just heard back that the talk has been accepted.

Be sure to register for the event online.

Look forward to seeing you there so be sure to put this one on your event calendar for the new year.

AppDev in the Cloud: Not my circus, not my monkeys...

When faced with all the hype around Cloud, most application developers are not really all that excited. Maybe you get that feeling that it isn't your problem, just leave me to my applications. Let me show you why, as an application developer, you can't ignore your Cloud stack anymore.

We will examine your Cloud stack anxieties and provide you with a solutions to ease you into your first private PaaS on your own local machine that you can install in just minutes. Finally you will be given a myriad of examples to take home with you to take control of this circus and own the monkeys!

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