Eric D. Schabell: Boston JUG - Getting hands-on with AppDev in the Cloud workshop

Monday, April 17, 2017

Boston JUG - Getting hands-on with AppDev in the Cloud workshop

boston jug
The week of 10 May I will be in Boston, MA for the OpenStack Summit.

That gave me the opportunity to reach out to the local Boston Java User Group to offer a hands-on workshop around application development in the Cloud.

The meetup is online and you can RSVP, note down the address and meet us there at the start time on Wednesday, 10 May 2017 at 18:00 hrs (6pm).

The workshop title and abstract are:

Getting hands-on with AppDev in the Cloud

Ready to get hands-on with AppDev in the Cloud with container based services? This workshop will let you experience the wonders of Red Hat's open technologies for Cloud based application development, letting you pull together multiple services in to a Cloud on your laptop (be sure to bring it with you).

In this workshop you're a developer working for Destinaisa, a travel agency that needs to setup its online bookings applications backend services. You'll be installing the OpenShift Container Platform on your laptop, then installing JBoss BRMS to work in the Destinasia discount rules. Once they are completed, you leverage Ansible playbook to see infrastructure automation in action. Each playbook will deploy a new container based service to support flight, hotel, car and discount rule queries from your application. In total you will be running 6 container based applications or services on your laptop in a private PaaS before testing this solution with a REST client, sending a booking and verifying the discounts provided by the rules you implemented. All materials are either online or provided on USB, just bring a laptop, ensure you have Docker (1.13) and Ansible (so that you can run the command 'ansible-playbook'). If for any reason you can't complete the workshop in the time allotted, it will be available for your use at home.

After the event I will be posting the contents of this workshop online for all to enjoy.

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