Eric D. Schabell: How to Code from Edge to Cloud at Red Hat Summit IoT CodeStarter

Monday, April 24, 2017

How to Code from Edge to Cloud at Red Hat Summit IoT CodeStarter

iot codestarter
Last year in San Francisco at the DevNation conference, EuroTech sponsored an evening of coding centered around the Internet of Things (IoT).

It was a pretty exciting time for IoT and attendees created a laser tag-style game. Participants were given a TI SimpleLink SensorTag development kit and a laser pointer. The sensors use Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE) to communicate with the Eurotech IoT gateway running Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Next week in Boston, MA at Red Hat Summit there will the second annual IoT CodeStarter event sponsored by EuroTech and Eclipse Foundation, but you will need to register now:

IoT CodeStarter

Are you ready to get your code on? Structured like a hackfest but without the competition, this CodeStarter event is an evening of coding accompanied by lots of tasty food and beverages (beer, anyone?) A fun night - and everyone gets good swag!

Roll up your sleeves and start coding

iot codestarter
Last years IoT CodeStarter fun!
  • Find out what you need to tackle IoT and Industry 4.0 challenges
  • Quickly build an IoT application leveraging leading open source projects
  • Experiment with sensors, fans, buzzers, LEDs and more
  • Build a dashboard to manage and control IoT devices

The event is part of Red Hat Summit

  • DATE: May 2, 2017
  • TIME: 6-9 p.m.
  • LOCATION: Boston Convention and Exhibition Center
  • ROOM NUMBER: 205 A

Space is limited. Reserve your spot now.

See you there?

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