Eric D. Schabell: QCon NYC - AppDev in the Cloud Circus with DevOps

Monday, April 3, 2017

QCon NYC - AppDev in the Cloud Circus with DevOps

qcon nyc
In New York City on June 26-30, the developer conference QCon is going to be taking place.

This conference is know as an international developers conference and they try to recruit experienced and well known speakers. While I have not been invited (yet), I thought I would submit a few ideas I have been working on the last few months.

With any luck, I will get a chance to share them with you in NYC in June.

Who is not interested in the following ideas?

How to get the Ops out of your DevOps today

This session takes you on a feel good journey through the history of how Dev and Ops became a role in and of itself. Discover why now the perfect storm is forming to take back your Dev role. Get ready to laugh in self-reflection

Nothing in the past has made it possible like today's modern cloud development environments with containers and more. Join me to learn the secrets of easy deployments, how to free up time for coding, and how you can trust the applications to your operations without fear. 

A hands-on live demo will be presented to support the foundation of the theory that you can get the Ops out of your DevOps today.

AppDev in the Cloud - Not my circus, not my monkeys...

When faced with all the hype around Cloud, most application developers are not really all that excited. Maybe you get that feeling that it isn't your problem, just leave me to my applications.

Let me show you why, as an application developer, you can't ignore your Cloud stack anymore. We'll examine your Cloud stack anxieties and provide you with a solutions to ease you into your first private PaaS on your own local machine that you can install in just minutes.

Finally, you will be given a collection of example projects showing you how to take control of this circus and own the monkeys!

Hope to see you there!

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