Eric D. Schabell: Catching up on the Red Hat Partner Conference

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Catching up on the Red Hat Partner Conference

catching upLast week was a whirl wind of activity at the Red Hat Partner Conference hosted in Frankfurt, Germany.

I provided tips before attending this conference and it seems quite a few of you took them to heart.

While my workshop did not get the room needed, a talk on sales conversations around Cloud Infrastructure was selected for the main keynote stage together with Margaret Dawson.

The event kicked off on Sunday, but due to earlier commitments I arrived on Monday afternoon. The event for me is almost a reunion with many of the current Red Hat partners around Europe having been around since my Solution Architect days in the Benelux area.

catching up
Start laying your digital foundations today!
I spent Monday evening touring the regional areas during a dinner where I got to chat with the partners from the Benelux region, German region, Italian region and UKI region.

That final group included my good friends from the Scotland JBug who were one of the first meetups I ever spoke at in Europe.

The power of networking was in full swing as the Italian region solicited for a keynote at the OpenSlava 2017 conference hosted by Accenture, so watch for me there in the Fall.

Tuesday kicked off with a keynote on the power of OpenShift Container Platform and a cool session by a airline customer leveraging containers and OpenShift.

Our session finished up the morning covering sales conversations around Cloud Infrastructure and provided our partners with the same strategies that we use at Red Hat to enable our own sales force.

catching up
Beach party!
Be sure to take a closer look at the Red Hat Cloud Suite as it's the foundation of your digital journey with all that we covered in the Cloud Infrastructure session. It's your gateway to your digital future!

The day wrapped up with nothing less than a rocking beach party just outside the city.

It was both an informative and intensive few days at the Red Hat Partner Conference. It's a highlight and testament to our partner ecosystem showing how we are stronger together.

The content, agenda and more can be obtained through the registration site.

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