Eric D. Schabell: Nijmegen run today!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Nijmegen run today!

I decided that a ride to work coinciding with the first day of above 20 degree Celsius weather that it would be a good way to close out the week.

So this morning I was off, with all my long pants, long sleeves and warm foot gear on as it was only 10 degrees at departure. I had a wind out of the East in my face the whole way which made it 55 km’s of hard work. It took me just over 2 hours and 15 minutes to get there. I was broken!

The trip home was a breeze, wind in the back now! Took only 1 hour and 15 minutes with speeds ranging around 36-40 km/hr most of the way. It was sunny and I had on my shorts and short-sleeved gear. Felt like summer!

Total ride was 110 km over 4 hours and I will sleep like a baby! ;-)

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