Eric D. Schabell: JUDCon United States - talk accepted for JBoss jBPM Migration project

Thursday, May 16, 2013

JUDCon United States - talk accepted for JBoss jBPM Migration project

This year in Boston, June 9-11 we will be gathering for the JBoss User and Developer Conference (JUDCon) where I will be talking about the jBPM Migration project on Tuesday, 11 June at 1330 hrs in Track 3.

This will be a unique chance for you to get to meet all the world class developers, project members, and rock stars in a single venue. There will be beers, food, a meet & greet reception, live podcast recording, and plenty of laughs. You really do not want to miss this event.

jBPM Migration - generating your process future

Since its birth in late 2010, the jBPM migration tool project has been marching forward to support the transformation of your jBPM3 processes to the latest versions of jBPM. It has been a journey that covers the support of a vast array of use cases, example enterprise process projects, supports various process designers and has finally been included into the Drools / jBPM project team as an official project.

This session will outline the status of the jBPM migration tooling project. We will take a look at the background of jBPM 3 process projects and detail what is supported right now to get your processes deployed onto the current version of jBPM. We will demo the existing tooling on several real life enterprise jBPM projects and outline our strategy for the various conceptual problems we encountered in moving your process constructs to BPMN2. These examples will provide you with real life scenarios to take home as an example for your own BPM projects.

We will finish up with a demonstration of the jBPM migration tooling running in the Cloud. Each participant will depart this session fully enabled with their very own Cloud deployed jBPM Migration tooling.

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