Eric D. Schabell: JBoss Developer Studio 4.0 - how to add tech preview BPEL tooling

Monday, February 28, 2011

JBoss Developer Studio 4.0 - how to add tech preview BPEL tooling

I mostly use the JBoss Developer Studio which integrates all my JBoss Tooling in a painless Eclipse experience.

I wanted to make use of the technical preview tooling that is provided by JBoss which is tooling for leveraging the yet to be fully supported features in their products. One of these is the BPEL project Riftsaw, integrated into the JBoss SOA-P product as a tech preview. The tooling can be found in a special update site:

Help -> Install New Software... -> in the 'Work with:' window add url -> add user and password found in the documentation to access the JBoss Developer Studio update site ( -> select JBoss BPEL Editor

Once this finishes and restarts JBoss Dev Studio you will be ready to go!

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In the past we have outlined the use of JBoss BPM and rules tooling for other versions of JBDS: